A Look Back for January 15, 2025

From The Clarkston News archives

25 years ago – 2000
Gas station would create ‘unsafe…traffic pattern’: Another attempt to rezone two small parcels of land for a service station in Springfield Township met confrontation at the township board meeting, Jan. 13. Kevin Kohls, attorney for Springfield Investors L.L.C., approached board members with a request to rezone two parcels, a .76-acre parcel of land located at the northwest corner of Dixie Highway and Davisburg Road, and a .32-acre parcel to the north. Both parcels would be used for a service station and auto wash.

Clarkston Foundation continues support of schools’ performing arts: The Clarkston Foundation was prepared to keep on giving to Clarkston schools in the new millennium Sherry Regiani, foundation president, gave a positive forecast to school board members on Jan. 10 on their efforts to provide scholarships and other opportunities to Clarkston students in the areas of the arts and sciences.

East meets West: There was more of a buzz in the air, and the crowd seemed louder than normal in the Clarkston High School gym as the Clarkston Varsity Wrestling team played host to the visiting Japanese Junior National Team. The meet was the centerpiece of a much more meaningful two days, not only for the wrestling team, but all of CHS. The Japanese wrestlers, on a tour of Michigan, arrived in Clarkston from Middleville.

50 years ago – 1975
Wind gives area the once-over: The 60-mile-an-hour winds which ripped across most of the southern lower peninsula left its mark on the Clarkston area. The high winds tore off roofs, blew over sheds, downed power lines and scattered debris. “We think it must have been a tornado,” said Tom Rademacher of Rademacher Chevy-Olds on Dixie Highway. The winds twisted across the roof of the building, pulling up three furnace stacks and tearing apart a 200-foot by 60-foot patch of the roof. Director of Police Services for Independence Jack McCall reported a tree blown down on Ennismore Street which took some power lines with it.

Widening of M-15 explained: The State Highway Department planned to widen M-15 to four lanes south of Clarkston in the spring. Some definite answers were given to Independence Township official by two State Highway Department spokesmen. At the same time new questions were raised about the character of the highway as it pertained to present and future uses.

The mill stream: Joan and Buck Kopietz returned from a glorious 16 days in California to a wet, dreary Clarkston. Neither got a sun tan because they were too busy visiting relatives and old friends. They stayed with Joan’s mother in Burbank. The Kopietz’s also visited Tijuana, Mexico and shopped for things to sell in their shop, Tierra Arts and Design.

75 years ago – 1950
All out for night of square dancing: More and more old fashioned square dance was coming back. The P.T.A. invited the community to the organization’s benefit – an old-fashioned square dance at Clarkston High School with Haan’s orchestra furnishing the music.

Clarkston locals: PFC Charles Jarvis, who was stationed in Japan with 17th Infantry Regiment, sent word he received some wonderful Christmas packages from America. He said it was grand to be remembered by the people at home and said thank you to the Service Mothers of Clarkston and to Mrs. Clifford Bennett.

The Hilltopper: During the Christmas vacation, a new trampoline arrived at the school. It was one of the latest developments for the gym. It added a lot of interest to the classes. In addition to exercise one get to develop of timing and balance, it can be used from small children right up to the professional acrobat.

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