Forty-eight members of Clarkston High School Drama Club Troupe 803 members attended the Michigan Thespian Festival in Lansing, Dec 13 and 14.

They participated in workshops at the festival, networked with universities and theatre professionals, watched productions and met other theatre students from all over Michigan.
Graduating seniors Luke Agar, Hannah Budzynski, Logan Dudek, Keith Garrison, Amelia Hepler, Olivia Lafnear, and Noah McLean received $1,801,600 in scholarship offers.
Troupe 803 participated in ten “Thespy” entries and all participants received Excellent and Superior Ratings.
Receiving Superior ratings were: Graham Goodrich in Solo Musical Theatre; Lily Spencer, Theatre Marketing; Luke Agar and Owen Richie, Duet Musical Theatre.
Receiving Excellent ratings were: Leo Geering in Sound Design; Goodrich and Sarah McKee, Duet Musical Theatre; Sarah King, Solo Musical Theatre; Lily Scott, Solo Musical Theatre; Alex Tayler and Hannah Budzynski, Duet Musical Theatre; Emma Tisdall, Solo Dance; Noah McLean and Amelia Hepler, Duet Acting.
“Troupe 803 proudly represented CHS and Clarkston Community Schools,” said Amy Seaman, Theatre Manager/Tech Theatre Director and Troupe 803 Drama Club Sponsor. “We are so incredibly proud of our kids.”
The drama club are currently rehearsing and getting everything ready for its upcoming this winter’s musical production of “Hello, Dolly!” -W.R.P.