Dear Editor,
(This is in response to Don Rush’s column, “Easter Sunday is around the corner, thank God.”)
Don, thank you for inviting comments to your “contemplative mood” in the April 13 issue of The Clarkston News.
Your words struck a familiar chord in me.
I was pleasantly surprised to see your editorial begin by quoting perhaps the most famous and succinct summary statement in the Bible, John 3:16, particularly its reference to avoid perishing by putting one’s trust in God’s Son.
The relevance of John 3:16 to the question your son, Sean, asked at four years old about your mortality, puts the celebration of Easter in a profoundly personal light.
I felt your vulnerability and I empathize. You said correctly, “Easter is about life and death and new life.” That is true.
John later quoted Jesus’ words to those who loved him, “Because I live, you also will live.” (John 14:19) Jesus’ resurrection is unprecedented in world history.
As you said, “Easter is about hope.” That hope.
I laughed at your Porky Pig epitaph, “Th-th-that’s all folks!” I remembered also the auctioneer’s epitaph, “Going… Going… Gone!” (Maybe we should do a series in The Clarkston News on funny epitaphs. There are many of them.)
But more seriously, I want you to know I share your pensive perspectives, summed up by the prayer in your title, Thank God, Easter is right around the corner.
You add, “. . . When I need it.”
We all need it, Don.
Eric Haven