After a two-year break due to COVID, the second annual LucaStrong Hike for Parkinson’s Disease at Holly State Park is coming up, Saturday, May 21 at 11 a.m.
Jim and Lisa Lucas, Springfield Township residents, began the event in 2019.
Jim was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 15 years ago when he was 44 years old. He noticed his leg shaking in January 2005, less than a month after his mother passed away.
“I thought it was just coincidental,” he shared in 2019. It went undiagnosed for about six months.
“It’s a neurological disease where the brain cells die,” he explained. “What happens is the ones that control your muscles – it misfires. My story is similar to a lot of people – when you first get it, it’s not bad enough if you don’t want anybody to know – you can hide it. I think there is a lot of people in that situation.”
He already knew about Parkinson’s disease because his mother had it.
“My knowing about Parkinson’s was really through my mother and father,” said Jim.
Hike donations of at least $40 helps provide financial assistance to promote health and exercise to those with Parkinson’s Disease. With the donation, you will enjoy a 3.5-mile hike at the Holly State Park, led by Jim and an incredible after-party at River Rock Bar & Grill.
All of the money will go to Michigan Parkinson’s Foundation/LucaStrong to be used for people in Oakland and Genesee counties with Parkinson’s.
With this money, they will be providing exercise programs to those with Parkinson’s who are not able to do that on their own. This will also help to give those other family members who need someone to talk to a chance to get the help they need.