Dear Friends,
As we all prepare for the holidays, it’s a fitting time to reflect on what is important year-round, but especially at this time of year.
It’s a time to hold tight to family and friends and be thankful that gatherings this year will be a little less perilous for many in 2021 than the isolated celebrations of 2020.
I think that all of us hoped we’d be in a different place by this time. That the dreadful COVID would be behind us and we could fully and literally embrace our families without fear of getting or passing the virus on to our loved ones.
But I’m thankful that we’re getting closer: more than 75% of our residents are vaccinated; more and more people are seeking the booster shots; and our young students have access to the vaccines, so many will be able to see their grandparents this holiday season.
I know we’re all struggling to make decisions on how we’ll spend our holidays, if vaccination status will guide our plans. But I hope you all will be able to spend time together, no matter what form that takes, whether it’s Zoom or masked or vaxxed. I only wish for a healthy, safe and joyous holiday for everyone.
Just know that, if you’re looking for physical or mental health services during the holidays, that Oakland County will be here for residents and the community. I know that many people are struggling to deal with the trauma the Oxford school community suffered two weeks ago and we’re also here to provide the support and resources you need.
So in addition to a healthy and safe holiday, I also wish you peace and comfort now and in 2022.
With gratitude,
David Coulter
Oakland County Executive