Letter to the Editor: COVID-19 deaths – where is the real truth?

Dear Editor, There have been several letters in the Detroit Free Press commending the result of the Governor’s actions based on data to control COVID-19. An examination comparing Michigan data to our neighboring states shows a different picture. The following data shows percentages of cases per population followed by number of deaths per case: US […]

Letter to the Editor: Meisner’s comments ‘despicable’

Dear Editor, Just read the the despicable comments that Andy Meisner made (Clarkston News, June 24), calling Brooks Patterson “a racist, misogynist, and xenophobe.” These are the go-to words the D.C. Democrats use against Republicans constantly, and Mr. Meisner seems to be right on board with these sorts of insults. If he thinks he’s going […]

What ‘MATT’ers: Rising temps

The kids are (still) home from school. The days are getting longer. The construction zones are growing. Temperatures are reaching the 80s and 90s. We think baseball is coming back to Comerica Park. All these are signs of summer, yes? Throw in the Primary Election coming up in August and there are many reasons why […]

Clarkston collegiate academic achievements

Sarah Lacey and Andrew Ross, both of Clarkston, have been named to the Cedarville University Dean’s Honor List for the Spring 2020 semester. This recognition requires students to maintain a 3.75 GPA for the semester while taking a minimum of 12 credit hours. Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution. […]

Senior scholarship

The Chapter AW/Clarkston of PEO International has named Maggie Gipe, Clarkston High School Class of 2020, the winner of the PEO STAR Scholarship, a prestigious $2500 scholarship awarded to exceptional young senior women to attend an accredited postsecondary educational institution in the United States or Canada in the next academic year. PEO is a philanthropic […]

More trees in Clarkston, says mayor

More trees in Clarkston, says mayor

Clarkston Mayor Eric Haven is hoping to launch a campaign encouraging residents to plant trees on the city easement in front of their homes in Clarkston. “Nancy and I did this several years ago in front of our house and received a tax deduction for it,” Haven said. “Annually, the city removes trees around the […]