Letter to the Editor: Trump got raw end of deal from election

Dear Editor, It has been said by many that a healing process should begin after the election procedure between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. But wait a minute. Many Trump supporters are just plain provoked or angered. It was an unfair election setup. The violence and the countless negative comments of the Democratic party and several leading […]

Letter to the Editor: Big thanks to Clarkston schools

Dear Editor, I’d like to thank Clarkston Community Schools for publicly modeling best practices for mitigating the spread of COVID-19. The photos of your National Merit Scholarship semifinalists, volleyball team, Team RUSH 27, and Board of Education in the November 11 Clarkston News demonstrate care and responsibility for the health of our community. Sincerely, Cheryl […]

Letter to the Editor: Not buying mayor’s comments

Dear Editor, I must take exception to some of Clarkston Mayor Haven’s comments about the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit the city lost in the Michigan Supreme Court. My law firm represented Susan Bisio in that suit. Haven says the documents the city fought so hard to keep secret were “never viewed by any city […]

Letter to the Editor: Post-election thoughts, points

Dear Editor, At the national level, there has been lots of talk about a concession speech following the election. I had never run for mayor before and never lost an election when I ran for council in the past so I’m not sure what the proper local protocol is. Just in case I am supposed […]

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