Letters to the Editor

Funding uncertainty Dear Editor, One of the most devastating consequences of unearned privilege — both for those of us on top and, for very different reasons, those who suffer beneath — is the death of empathy. Through our 43 years of advocacy involvement on behalf of our two adult sons, who are both on the […]


Dear Editor, Your article about deteriorating subdivision roads evokes memories (“Repairing township roads,” April 26). During the early 1970s, I briefly served as an appointed township trustee, replacing Merle Bennett who had resigned in disgust. A one-time Democrat supervisor, Gary Stonerock, had been elected to replace Duane Hershfall, who voted to rezone Dixie Highway property […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A call to keep folks dog-bite free

Dear Editor, A dog might be a man’s best friend, but is it a letter carrier’s? Warmer temperatures mean children playing, letter carriers delivering, and dogs barking. Most dogs are safely behind a fence or on a leash. However, there are some situations when a dog can be potentially dangerous. Several of our letter carriers […]

Letters to the Editor

Reader calls for caution in parking plan Dear Editor, I have read in the last couple of issues about the proposed solutions to the “parking problem” in the downtown area of the village (“Paid parking plan paused,” March 15). As an owner of an office building on Main Street, I am concerned the City Council […]

GUEST VIEWPOINT: Keep sun shining on government

By Cory Johnston In a period of just over one month, my name has twice been on the front page of The Clarkston News for things said at Village of Clarkston council meetings even though I made no public statements and did not attend any city meetings. That would normally give me ample reason to […]

Community support needed for Team Mik

By Nick Hagewood The outpouring of support in the memory of Mikayla Ferer is amazing! It is inspirational to see an influence one has on so many around her. A community is rallying in her honor, and my wish is for that to continue in both the short term, and in the years to come. […]

Wetland pollution effects are global

By Clara Zeder You have heard of global warming, emissions, deforestation, and greenhouse gases, and you have been told that these are all very bad, but do you really understand why, or what they are? Do you know the effect that carbon has in the atmosphere? Do you know why this is a concern right […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Journalism strongest tool for free speech

Dear Editor, Recently, Don Rush asked us to comment about the role/value of newspapers, and other news media, in our society. Perhaps, an excerpt from The John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University book published 10 years ago put it best: “The independent media functions as another check and balance on government although […]

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