CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 12 11 2017 SUMMARY MINUTES Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. All Present. Approval of Agenda: Approval of Agenda: Motion my Detkowski, Seconded by Wylie to Approve the Agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried. Consent Agenda: Motion by Catallo, Seconded by Haven, […]
CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 01 8 2018 MINUTES SUMMARY Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. All Present. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Haven, to approve the agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried. Consent Agenda: Motion by Detkowski, Seconded by Haven, to approve the Minutes, along with Treasurer Report. All […]
CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 11-27 2017 MINUTES SUMMARY Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Wylie Absent. Followed by Swearing in Eric Haven. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Detkowski, Seconded by Catallo, to approve the agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried. Consent Agenda: Motion by Detkowski, Seconded […]
CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 11-13 2017 SUMMARY MINUTES Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Haven Absent. Followed by Swearing in Jason Kneisc and Scott Reynolds. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski, to approve the agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried. Consent Agenda: Motion by Catallo, Seconded by Percival, to […]
CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 10 23 2017 SUMMARY MINUTES Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. All Present . Approval of Agenda: Motion by Haven, Supported by Marsh, to approve the agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried. Resolution by Catallo, Supported by Percival to waive the banner fee for Team Rush. Carla, a […]
CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 10 09 2017 MINUTES Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. All Present . Approval of Agenda: Motion by Marsh, Supported by Detkowski, to approve the agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried. Consent Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Supported by Marsh, to approve the […]
Independence Township will be conducting hydrant flushing on the Hillview Estate’s water system on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. This work will be performed between the hours of 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Customers may experience some discolored water. Please run cold water to clear your lines and avoid doing laundry until the water is clear. […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING April 12, 2018 INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION The Independence Township Planning Commission, Oakland County, Michigan, will hold a Public Hearing on: Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. At Independence Township Hall Meeting Room, 6483 Waldon Center Dr., Clarkston MI,48347-0069, to consider the following: PC File # 2018-005 Petitioner: McLaren Healthcare […]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING April 12, 2018 INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION The Independence Township Planning Commission, Oakland County, Michigan, will hold a Public Hearing on: Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. At Independence Township Hall Meeting Room, 6483 Waldon Center Dr., Clarkston MI,48347-0069, to consider the following: PC File # 2018-006 Petitioner: Clarkston Hotel […]
SYNOPSIS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE March 20, 2018 A Regular Meeting of the Charter Township of Independence Board was called to order at 6:00 PM at Independence Township Hall The Pledge of Allegiance was given. ROLL CALL: Present: Kittle, Pallotta, Brown, Aliaga, Ritchie, Schroeder Absent: Loughrin There was a […]