Change in trash hauler’s policy angers resident

At least one Orion Township resident was surprised to see their trash still sitting on the curb recently after Waste Management stopped accepting trash from 45 gallon containers.
A resident wrote to The Lake Orion Review to complain about the change in policy and ask why Waste Management had stopped picking up the containers when other trash haulers were still accepting them. They said a third of the trash on their street was left after Waste Management came through on Feb. 3.
Brian Conaway of Waste Management said the decision to stop picking up 45-gallon containers was made due to ‘worker’s compensation issues.?
‘We’ve had a number of injuries for our workers (picking up the larger containers),? he said. ‘OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has been putting out information because they were concerned about the injuries and some of the weights being picked up.?
Conaway said Waste Management will continue to pick up 35 gallon and 32 gallon containers.
‘That’s the standard size that’s sold in most of the stores anyway,? he said.
According to Conaway, any residents wishing to dispose of 45 gallon containers can put a note on them asking Waste Management to dispose of them and leave them on the curb with their trash.
Besides Waste Management, Orion Township also has four other trash haulers currently licensed in the township.
Great Lakes Waste can be reached at 1-800-858-0089. Smith Disposal can be reached at (248) 625-5470. Washington Disposal can be reached at (248) 391-3244. Waste Away can be reached at (248) 627-6891.
Waste Management can be reached at (248) 334-9444.