Clarkston City Council, 10-23-17




Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. All Present .

Approval of Agenda: Motion by Haven, Supported by Marsh, to approve the agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried.

Resolution by Catallo, Supported by Percival to waive the banner fee for Team Rush. Carla, a representative of Team Rush, requested to have the Banner fee waived for the Holiday Lights Night Parade. Resolution is Adopted.

Consent Agenda:  Motion by Haven, Supported by Percival, to approve the Minutes. Along with Treasurer Report. All Aye, Motion Carried.

Eric Diesing, of Oakland County Clinton River Water Shed Council, presented information of the dangers in using coal-tar sealants.

Motion by Percival, Supported by Marsh, to postpone action until the council (Wylie and Catallo) can draft the ordinance to ban the coal-tar sealants within City limits. All Aye, Motion Carried.

Motion by Percival, Supported by Detkowski to postpone the Second Read of the HDC Ordinance change. Motion Failed.

Motion by Marsh, Supported by Percival for the Resolution to change section 152.06 of the Historic District ordinance to The members shall be nominated by any council member and confirmed by a majority vote of the legislative body serving. A member may be removed from the Historic District Commission pursuant to Section 4.21 of the City Charter. Resolution Adopted.

Resolution by Wylie, Supported by Percival for the payment  bid award of Ray Wiegand’s Nursery for tree planting in the amount of $2,836.40. All Yes, Resolution is Adopted.

Resolution by Wylie, Supported by Marsh to award the proposal  bid to Clarkston DPW in the amount of $1,892.00 for a retaining wall to be installed on City Property near 80 Robertson Ct. All Yes, Resolution Adopted.

Resolution by Catallo, Supported by Percival to Award Bid of $4,000.00 to True North Asphalt for crack fill of 8,000 linear feet.   All Yes, Resolution Adopted.

Motion by Wylie, Supported by Detkowski to exempt a service provider from competitive bidding. Hutchinson Electric will be our electrical service provider until further notice. Motion Carried.

Motion by Marsh, Supported by Catallo, to go into closed session, to discuss materials exempt by Open Meetings Act to discuss Attorney/ Client written Memorandum, conducted pursuant to MCL 15.268 (h).  Motion Failed. No closed session. Discussion followed.

Motion by Catallo, Supported by Percival to adjourn at 10:17 PM. All Aye, Motion Carried.

For the complete minutes please contact Sandy Miller, City Clerk at 248-625-1559 or

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