Clarkston City Council, 11-13-17




Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Haven Absent. Followed by Swearing in Jason Kneisc and Scott Reynolds. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski, to approve the agenda. All Aye, Motion Carried.

Consent Agenda:  Motion by Catallo, Seconded by Percival, to approve the Minutes. Along with Treasurer Report.  All Aye, Motion Carried.

Motion by Percival, Seconded by Catallo, to appoint Eric Haven to Mayor Pro Tem. All Aye, Motion Carried.

Motion by Kneisc, Seconded by Detkowski, to allow Clarkston Rotary to participate in their fundraiser by selling Goodfellows newspapers.  Joel Delong presented dates December 1 st and 2 nd from 7:30 AM to 5 PM. At Oakland Woods Baptist Church the shoes and boots will be given to the children on December 8, 2017. Insurance policy is required. All Aye, Motion Carried.

CDBG Public Hearing of $6,000.00 for 2018 funds opened at 8:03 no public comments hearing closed at 8:04.

Resolution: Resolved by Percival, Seconded by Wylie, to approve a waiver of the fee for Holiday Lights Parade DPW wages of approximately $300.00 for December 16, 2017. Team Rush explained they are a not for profit organization and any money collected goes toward their program. All Yes, Resolution Adopted.

Resolution by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski to reconsider the vote of the Resolution that was made on October 23, 2017. The Resolution was to have Clarkston DPW install a wood wall near 80 Robertson Ct with the cost of $1,892.00. Resolution is rescinded.

Resolved by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski, to accept Brimacombe as the bid award for a Rock wall near 80 Robertson Ct. in the amount of $3,000.00. All Yes, Resolution Adopted.

Motion by Detkowski, Seconded by Wylie to approve lot splits of 177 N Main. Planning Commission recommended approval at their meeting on October 12, 2017. All Aye, Motion Carried.

Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Catallo to approve driveway at 12 E Church. Planning Commission recommended approval at their meeting on October 12, 2017. All Aye Motion Carried.

Resolution by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski to Amend the Budget for 2017-2018 to transfer $53,000.00 from sale of assets to DPW Equipment from 101-000673.000 to 101-446-970.001 All Yes, Resolution Adopted.

Resolution by Wylie, Seconded by Percival, to Award bid to Weingartz equipment in the amount of $52,250.00 for an ASV model VT 70 Track Loader.  All Yes, Resolution Adopted.

Resolution by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski, to sell the Caterpillar front end loader. All Yes, Resolution Adopted.

Motion by Detkowski, Seconded by Wylie to adjourn at 10:01 PM. All Aye, Motion Carried.

For the complete minutes please contact Sandy Miller, City Clerk at 248625-1559 or

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