With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Independence Township firefighters are going pink during the month, wearing an alternative shirt to help support the fight against the disease.
The public is welcome to go online and purchase the same shirt the firefighters will be wearing.
To order a shirt, go to the firefighters’ Facebook page by searching “Independence Firefighters, Local 2629” to find a link there or go directly to iaff2629.itemorder.com/sale to place an order on the firefighters’ website.
The T-shirts are available in both long sleeve and short sleeve and come in several different colors to choose from.
In addition, unisex hoodies come in different colors as well.
All proceeds from the sale will be sent to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
For additional questions or for more information regarding the fundraiser, email IAFF Local #2629 Secretary Ron Bray at rbray@iaff2629.us.