FIRST finalist

Diana Marsala, a junior at Clarkston High School, smiled as she talked about being a Dean’s List Finalist from Team RUSH 27.
“I was ecstatic,” she said when she found out. “There are so many students in FIRST that do amazing things and to be recognized as one of the best is just amazing. I didn’t think I was at the top of that.”
The biggest part for Marsala was being chosen by her mentors from the team.
“It was the victory for me more than anything,” she added. “I love the fact they are recognizing me for what I do. I was so happy they think so highly of me. I was actually able to read the essay and it was really nice to read because I never realized what I did mattered to the team.”
Mentors select two students in their junior year. The submission includes an essay about the student, their leadership, what they do in the community for FIRST, their team and school. Students are chosen from each FIRST robotics team around the world.
Finalists are chosen from their interviews and the essays. They will compete at the world championship this week and also have lunch with Dean Kamen, the founder of FIRST. Then, 10 of the finalists will be selected as winners.
“I am definitely looking forward to meeting the other Dean’s List finalists,” Marsala said. “There aren’t as many opportunities for interaction with teams around the world as there is at the world championship. Not only am I going to get to talk to people from around the world about their experience with FIRST, but I am going to talk to the best and the brightest and the people who do the most for FIRST. I am super excited to meet with everyone and just talk about FIRST. “
Marsala joined Team RUSH in ninth grade and joined the scouting team which she enjoys because of the data, analysis, numbers and strategy. She admitted, unlike most on the team, she doesn’t was to be an engineer but wants to be a veterinarian.