Health care’s “large” employers and one veteran’s opinion

Read — with interest — new US Senate verbiage about nationalized health care. What I found interesting was, as it was written, only “large” employers will get penalized for not offering health care to all its employees.
The next paragraph explained what a “large employer” is. A large employer, by the way, is not big business. A large employer is a company with the staggering number of workers equal to 50 (and more).
Since when is 50 a “big” number? Heck, it’s only half of 100.
If you were to drive around town, I am sure you’ll find local businesses, you wouldn’t consider “big” that have 50 workers. Drive around a look, they might not survive the mandates from up high on the hill.
God, save us all.
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Here’s a letter I received from a US Veteran. He’s a local dude who has real life experience in government run health care. So, without further eloquence, here is Robert T’s letter:
Government health plan?
Prepare yourself to have payments rejected because you showed up at a private emergency room for a stroke instead of driving 2 hours to a government run medical facility for treatment.
Don’t believe me? Ask any veteran.
100% disabled veterans DO NOT have the right to choose their own doctor or use the closest medical facility!
Even if the government telle-nurses say to go to the emergency room, they tell you, you may be responsible for payment if some clerk decides it’s not an emergency.
Yes, This has happened to me and many other veterans.
Government medical treatment will give you pills for treatment and not actual medical treatment.
Yes, this is what Veterans that have given their all for this country have been reduced to for the guaranteed medical treatment under the Montgomery GI Bill, when they become 100% disabled veterans.
If they treat honored veterans this way, just how well do you think they will treat citizens?
Our government will gladly make all the promises now, but will continue to spend more on war than they ever will on medical health for the citizens of this country. Veteran, senior, or just a working Joe!
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I don’t believe there are many people in this country who do not think there are folks who need help. The devil-in-the-detail is fixing what needs to be fixed (fraud, getting people signed up who are eligible for health assistance, sending medical bills ran up by illegal aliens to their country of origin — or subtract that amount from the amount of US aid to that country), while not screwing the rest of the country.
Unfortunately, I do believe this whole thing is less about helping the citizenry, and more about helping a select few grow in power.
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Folks should go on-line and Google ‘John Stossel Canadian health.? Take a gander at the series ABC (Not right-wing Fox) did. They actually interviewed Canadians and then let me know what you, personally, think. I look forward to it.