I came, I saw, I learned

I never got one cup of coffee, never got anyone lunch, I never once ran an errand. Everything I thought an internship would be, this wasn’t.
From the beginning and right up until the end, Jenny and everyone else at The Clarkston News was willing and ready to open me up to new experiences, good and bad, and help me learn and grow through doing, rather than watching.
With these experiences, I learned more than I could have imagined in my short 12 weeks. I am a better writer and a better listener. My skills in layout, which were nonexistent before, are now improving. I have learned that sometimes it isn’t so bad to hound people a little, if it helps to inform.
Most importantly, I learned that I like being a journalist. In my first years of college, I was so unsure of what I wanted to do. All I was sure of was that I wanted to be happy with whatever job I had. I finally feel secure in my journalism major. I finally know that I made the right choice for myself.
I accomplished so much at the paper in 12 weeks. None of it would be possible without the willingness of the community around me. I was surprised and pleased how helpful people were. I am sure many of you saw me at the library with my camera, preparing to harp on someone for People Poll, and thought about running. Instead, you sat and answered my questions and even allowed me to take your picture.
During my interviews, people were willing and ready. They were patient with the fact that sometimes I didn’t have all the questions, at least not all the questions that Jenny needed answers to, and that I would call back later and fill in holes. As my internship went on, those holes filled up more and more, and I started to relax and talk to people.
Although this internship wasn’t what I expected, it was what an internship should be. A place where I could learn and grow. A place where if I hit a wall too high for me, I had people around to give me a boost.
Thank you to everyone for my boosts. Thank you Jenny, who turned out to be more of a teacher to me than any of the professors I ever had. And Noah, who took me under his wing when Jenny wasn’t available. He was my go-to man, I could bring any and all questions to him.
I hope I have made and will continue to make everyone at The Clarkston News and Sherman Publications proud. I know other internships and jobs I get in the future will be hard, with less guidance than what I grew accustomed to here but I also know that with all the knowledge I gained at The Clarkston News, I am more prepared than ever to face the challenges.