Job description awaiting approval

Addison Township Supervisor Bruce Pearson had the fire chief job description on his desk Monday, waiting for the next step in the hiring process.
Both the fire board and township board must now approve the document before it’s posted and position’s advertised.
The job description was sent to the fire board this week for them to look it over and make any changes, if necessary.
‘It is still a draft until fire board looks at it,? said Pearson.
The fire board wants to make sure it includes everything they need and want.
‘We have a checklist,? said fire board member Gary Galbraith during the June 17 meeting.
The final step will be to advertise the position after it is approved.
During its June meeting, the fire board indicated it’s behind on where it wanted to be at this point in the search for a new chief.
George Spencer resigned as fire chief in March after nearly 11 years of service.
Officials had planned to have the job description ready in May for board approval in June. The plan was to recommend five candidates to the board at the July meeting. Given it’s already a few months behind, the fire board’s anxious to get the job description posted by the beginning of August.
Since the fire board’s next scheduled meeting is July 15, a special meeting has been called for 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 8, so members can make sure the description is ready.