Dear Editor,
Last week, the Independence Township Board voted unanimously to allow LED full color message boards in all districts of the township except residential.
Unlike the one approved solely for Alex’s Market on White Lake Road, which allowed only white letters on a black background, they are now going even further by allowing businesses to have up to 3×4-foot color TV monitors with changing images and text on commercial signs. This is in all but one of the commercial districts in the township.
They fail to see how a sign like this is a distraction to drivers and disregard the fact one of the first rules in the ordinance is a sign cannot be distracting. They also fail to see how these types of signs will destroy the little bit of character this township still has as a bedroom community. Unfortunately, most residents never know these changes are coming and then are extremely disappointed after they happen.
I’ve been on the planning commission almost 20 years and have worked on three different master plans. The master plan clearly outlines the importance of rural preservation and the protection of the character of the community. This is the reason people move here from the surrounding towns, like my family and I did in the early 90s. The draw to this area is what we are now, not what we are about to become. The landing strip of lights on Sashabaw was the first large character change that took people by surprise and this will be the next surprise for the residents who are unaware of what is about to happen to Independence Township. I have talked to hundreds of residents over the years and never got a positive response when asked what they think of the streetscape of towns that allow these types of signs. All pass planning commissions and township boards have been asked to use these signs.
Thankfully, they have always denied the request and stuck to the ordinance and the master plan, until recently. There are other ways to achieve the goal of changing text electronically without allowing TV monitors and pictures.
Within the next two meetings, most likely by the first week of July, the board will vote a final time to allow these signs in every commercial district of the township. Residents who oppose this ordinance change need to contact the township board. Attend web meetings online. Make a public comment. Suggest the board consider other options.
Email, and they will forward for you. Please include your name and address.
Sam Moraco
Independence Township