Letter to the Editor: Part-time legislature?

Dear Editor,

Does Michigan need a full-time state legislature?
Michigan is one of only 10 states that has a full-time state legislature. Six of those 10 “full-timer” states (including Michigan) lost at least one Congressional representative to states with part-time legislatures.
It is not just warmer weather attracting people based on the 2020 Census since Oregon, Montana and Colorado each added enough people to gain an additional representative in Congress.
High growth states like Texas, North Carolina, and Florida added representatives and all have part-time state legislatures.
A part-time state legislature in Michigan would enable qualified individuals to run for office without having to become “professional politicians.”
Since we desperately need to get more younger, independent-thinking political leaders who are willing to work across the political party aisles to act in the best interests of all Michigan residents, perhaps a part-time state legislature would attract younger candidates.
Since 80 percent of the states have part-time legislatures, it is time for Michigan to seriously consider joining the majority.

Henry S. Woloson
Independence Township

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