Dear Editor,
Clarkston city officials have made two recent decisions to reduce public input.
The February 14 city council meeting had no virtual participation and the rules have been changed for making public comments.
The person making the public comment is now required to literally make the comment. Previously, the city manager, mayor or city clerk would read submitted public comments or the person submitting could read the comments via phone or GoToMeeting connection.
Whether the February 14 meeting will be video recorded has not been clarified.
After the January 10 city council meeting, the mayor suggested that I replace my criticism with suggestions for improvement. I responded in the January 24 city council meeting by making the following suggestions:
I suggest the mayor provide in a February council meeting the listing of city commission positions and city council positions with terms expiring in 2022. I suggest in a June council meeting the mayor provide the listing of city commission members with expiring terms who do not wish to be reappointed. This should provide to city officials and city residents an awareness of upcoming commission appointments.
I suggest the city manager present in a February council meeting the result of the audit completed in December of the actual fund balance on June 30, 2021 ($196,000 was assumed for the current budget) and his recommendation for changes to the current capital project budget items.
I suggest the city manager present in a March council meeting his recommended priority for city streets needing repair and the number of sidewalk sections requiring repair and the estimated repair costs of both streets and sidewalks.
I suggest Sue Wylie present in a March council meeting the planning commission’s updated status of the city’s capital improvement plan.
I suggest the city manager present in a March council meeting the updated cost of the East Washington Street sewer repair and any other known city sewer repair projects which have been postponed.
I suggest the city manager present in a March council meeting the status of the grant for Miller Road repair, any updated consideration for improving safety for those walking on the intended blacktop sidewalk and information on water levels and water health of Upper and Lower Mill Ponds and Parke Lake after the Miller Road culvert is replaced.
I suggest the council’s liaison to the Oakland County Drain Commission interceptor sewer project present any timing and estimated costs for interceptor sewer repairs applicable to Clarkston.
I suggest the city manager and treasurer present in an April council meeting the dates of the expiring bond issues, when elections would be required to replace the expiring millage with similar millage amounts and the estimated timing and amounts of dollars that could be provided for potential use for sidewalk and street repairs without an increase in cost to taxpayers above the current millage levels.
I suggest the city manager present to council in a May meeting a listing of the capital improvement projects and costs which were discussed for the 2022-23 budget but could not be accommodated because of expected revenue constraints.
At the conclusion of my comments, the mayor responded that I seemed to understand the rhythm of city council events.
It remains to be seen how council will respond to the 10 suggestions in February, March, April, May, and June.
Chet Pardee