Letter to the Editor: Support for Springfield candidate

Dear Editor,

I want to strongly encourage the residents of Springfield Township to support our Township Clerk Laura Moreau, in her campaign for the office of Springfield Township Supervisor.
As a current member of both the Springfield Township Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals as well as being a former Township Trustee, I have served Springfield Township for nearly 20 years. During that time, I have had the privilege of working with Laura on several township projects and initiatives.
Laura is a knowledgeable, energetic, dedicated and visionary leader that has committed herself to making Springfield Township a great place to live and work. Laura has a keen intelligence and an ability to bring clarity and consensus to challenging issues.
As township supervisor, I know Laura will continue to demonstrate her commitment to our community and its residents while serving as a steward of the natural features that our residents have come to enjoy.
Please join me in supporting Laura Moreau for Springfield Township Supervisor.

Dean Baker
Chairman, Springfield Township Planning Commission
Springfield Township Zoning Board of Appeals

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