Letter to the Editor: Taking charge of kids’ masks

Dear Editor,

Parents of masked children need to ensure if this masking is executed that their children’s health is taken care of properly.
Go ahead and play the game, but parents need to make the rules.
Do not send your children to school with a mask. Make the school provide them.
Demand a clean mask every hour, whenever they come in from recess or switch classes.
Teach your children to dispose of their mask each hour and request a new one.
Every classroom should have enough for every student for every hour for every day.
Each classroom needs a discard bin for the old and a pickup for the new.
All discarded masks should be collected by custodial staff each hour as new ones are distributed and burned or disposed of as hazardous waste.
Teachers must follow this as well, with a new mask for every new set of students each hour.
If this isn’t done, then they are not serious about your children’s health.
Mandates come from the state, so they ought to pay for this. This is completely logical for the health of your children.
Demand that these rules are implemented on Day 1 of school opening.

Jim Jacques

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