In the last week of school, Clarkston High School’s Kids Care Club distributed summer activity buckets to several preschool classes throughout the district through the support of the Clarkston Area Optimist Club.
These buckets were full of fun and engaging activities like hula hoops, chalk, bouncy balls, and coloring sheets. Providing these activities is essential because, throughout the summer, many children spend all day cooped inside, staring at a TV. With a lack of engaging activities in the summer, many families struggle to nourish their children’s minds, which is why these summer buckets are crucial.
This was only made possible through the generous support of the Clarkston Area Optimists and their donation of $1000. With this funding, Kids Care purchased quality toys and activities to fill these sand buckets for several preschool classes.
We would love to give a huge thanks to the Clarkston Area Optimists for aiding us and our mission to support children and families throughout the community. We are so thankful for all the members of Clarkston Area Optimists who work hard to raise money to uplift the youth of our community.
The Clarkston Area Optimist Club is such a valuable organization in our community, and we are so grateful for how they consistently do their part to make positive impacts, and we are amazed by their generosity.
CHS Kids Care Club