New top cop for Clarkston area

New top cop for Clarkston area

Clarkston News Staff Writer

Lt. Todd Hill, new commander of the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Independence Township substation, arrives with former commander Larry Perry’s highest endorsement.
“He will keep things headed in the right direction to keep the community and schools safe,” said Perry, Independence’s commander for the past four years who was promoted to captain at OCSO headquarters in Pontiac.
“I have known Lt. Hill for over 25 years, and he is an outstanding officer with a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience with the sheriff’s office,” Perry said. “We have worked directly with each other over the years and I have complete confidence in his abilities as a leader and know that he is the right man for this position.”
Perry’s promotion was the result of the retirement of OCSO Major Robert Smith and Chris Wundrach being promoted from captain to major. Perry replaces Wundrach.
“I am excited about the new challenges the position will present and the opportunity to help with the future development and training of the Sheriff’s Office as well as the Emergency Response and Preparedness for Critical Incident Response units,” Perry said. “As society changes, so must the way we in law enforcement police our communities. We have to be ever evolving and proactive in our policies and techniques. I am a huge advocate for training and the necessity to develop the best personnel with the most current tactics, training, and techniques available.  I hope to continue this proactive mind set in our agency with my involvement with our Training Division.”
Perry added serving Independence Township was a gratifying experience.
“I appreciate the opportunity I was given to lead the Independence substation as its commander immensely,” said Perry. “Independence Township and the City of the Village are tremendous communities and I have enjoyed working and interacting with the business owners, citizens, schools, and public officials on a day-to-day basis. The tremendous support from this community has been an eye-opening experience.”

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