PHARMACIST’S CORNER: Lose weight for the summer

So, you tried the latest weight loss fads to help remove those excess pounds. &buying special food packages, restricting calories and even taking a magical pill. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill when a person makes the decision to embark on a pathway toward weight loss as well as mental health & wellness. However, there are three essential nutritional supplements which help the body in conjunction with exercise and whole foods nutrition to help reduce unhealthy body fat. Garcinia, chlorogenic acid and a seven- strain probiotic, when used together, may help the body reach weight management goals.
Garcinia is a powerful polyphenol nutrient found in Indonesian fruits containing hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which is an essential fat storage blocking nutritional compound. The body uses enzymes, converting unused glucose to fat. HCA in garcinia blocks enzymes responsible for converting glucose to fat. The maximum capacity of glucose storage in the liver in the form of glycogen is approximately 100 grams. Muscles store approximately 500 grams. Excessive glucose beyond these levels is converted to fat. As the body reduces storage of fat through increased metabolism, HCA may also increase serotonin in the brain which increases energy and reduces appetite. Many manufacturers market oral tablet and capsule formulations, however a transdermal patch provides the most absorbable form of garcinia.
Chlorogenic acid is a natural polyphenol antioxidant compound with vast nutritional benefits including weight management. This polyphenol is found most abundantly in the raw green coffee bean extract and helps the body initiate body fat metabolism throughout the body as well as antimicrobial properties within the gastrointestinal tract. Many chlorogenic acid population studies indicate and support this powerful polyphenol as an essential nutrient to help prevent the onset of diabetes. Chlorogenic acid optimizes glucose metabolism. Glucose storage occurs in the liver as the polysaccharide called glycogen consisting of long, branched chain of insoluble glucose molecules. In a process known as glycogenolysis, the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase releases free glucose into the bloodstream, where it circulates to various organs. Additionally, chlorogenic acid inhibits the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), bad cholesterol, which may help prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease, the number one killer in America.
Furthermore, chlorogenic acid in nutritional supplement form rather than coffee is a healthier option by optimizing bile secretions for fatty acid metabolism. In a study by Harvard University, over 80,000 women were assessed on the effects of chlorogenic acid and the reduction of gallstone formation which affects women twice that of men. Researchers concluded that incidence of gallbladder surgery decreased in women consuming chlorogenic acid compared to the non-supplemented women.
Chlorogenic acid taken with garcinia in a transdermal patch form may assist the body to reduce cravings for sugars, caffeine and processed carbohydrates. In doing so, the need to use harmful stimulants commonly prescribed for appetite suppression is not required.
Seven- strain probiotic formulation including: B lactis, L acidophilus, L casei, L helviticus, L salvarius, L plantarum and L rhamnosus provides the stomach with the ability to fight excessive growth of yeast. If the body does not minimize the growth of yeast, then the absorption of nutrients from the diet become significantly diminished and negatively affects energy levels as well as mental clarity.
Forskolin is another very powerful antioxidant polyphenol nutrient and extract related to the Indian mint plant. There are many clinical studies supporting the use in weight management goals. Forskolin stimulates the release of stored fat from fat cells by increasing cyclic Adenosine monophosphate(AMP) production in cells through activation of the enzyme, adenylate cyclase. Lipolysis, or fat metabolism, is activated by forskolin. This is the explanation when the body has to use body fat for energy.
Raw organic apple cider vinegar taking two tablespoons in the evening hour helps support weight management by regulating blood glucose levels. A recent study published in the Journal of Diabetes Care stated that when two tablespoons taken the evening before bed, type 2 diabetes patients had lower blood sugar levels the following morning compared to when they took two tablespoons of water. A secondary study published results comparing pre-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients after taking two tablespoons raw organic apple cider vinegar prior to eating a high carbohydrate snack with bagel butter and orange juice. The pre-diabetic group improved their blood glucose levels by almost 50 percent and the type 2 diabetic group improved by 25 percent.
E-mail to obtain the best supplement sources for transdermal garcinia, chlorogenic acid, and polyphenol phyto-nutrition weight management health before summer.
Frank is the Director of Pharmacy Operations at the Behavioral Center of Michigan, adult psychiatric hospital. Founder of the 501 c3 non-profit Coalition Against Overmedicating Our Youth (CAOOY) website and author of The American Epidemic: Solutions for Over-medicating Our Youth.

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