Public Notice: City of the Village of Clarkston regular meeting minutes, May 13, 2024

City of the Village of Clarkston

Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall

375 Depot Road

Clarkston, Michigan 48346

5.13.2024 City Council Regular Final Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

Call To Order The regular session meeting of the City of the Village of Clarkston City Council was called to

order by Council Member Casey at 7:00 P.M.

Pledge of Allegiance

Council Member Casey led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call

Council Members Present: Gary Casey, Mark Lamphier, Ted Quisenberry, and Peg Roth.

Council Members Absent: Sue Wylie, Mayor, Laura Rodgers, Mayor Pro Tem, Amanda Forte

Others Present: Jonathan Smith, City Manager, Karen A. DeLorge, City Clerk, Tom Ryan, City Attorney

Others Absent: Oakland County Sheriff Sergeant John Ashley.

Approval of Agenda – Motion

Agenda has been amended by Casey to table the following: under Unfinished Business 10 a. First Read:

Proposed Ordinance Changes to enable our Building & Code Enforcement officials to issue citations (with

input from T. Ryan) and under New Business: 11 c. Resolution: Proposal to Implement a Social Media

Policy. Motioned to approve amended agenda by Roth, supported by Quisenberry, to approve the agenda

as presented – All Ayes.


Public Comments

Chet Pardee – Spoke

Cory Johnston – Letter


Roth reminded everyone of the following: Presentation by Sheriff Bouchard Thursday, May 16th at

Independence Twp. Hall, doors open @ 5:30 pm.

Casey reminded everyone of the following: Soggy Doggy at Deer Lake Beach Saturday, May 18th @ 10 am

to 12 noon

Sheriff Report for April 2024

Reviewed by Council

City Manager Report 5.13.2024

Reviewed by Casey.

The City Manager Report provided the following updates:

  • Status of Parking Lot Sealcoating and Road Striping
  • Annual 2nd Grade Walking Tour
  • Downtown Trash Cans
  • Building Permit Activity
  • Completed Repairs
  • In Other News

Motion: Acceptance of Consent Agenda as Presented 5.13.2024

Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. VOTE: All Aye.


Unfinished Business:

a. First Read: Proposed Ordinance Changes to enable our Building & Code Enforcement officials to issue

citations (with input from T. Ryan) TABLED by Council.

New Business:

a. Resolution: Proposal to approve Concrete Sidewalk Cutting for eligible heaved sidewalks (representative

from contractor to attend) TABLED by Council.

b. Resolution: Proposal to Waive Park Rental Fees for Non-Profit Organizations (with input from T. Ryan) –

Deferred to the 5/28 Council meeting. Deferred to the 5/28 Council Meeting

c. Resolution: Proposal to Implement a Social Media Policy TABLED by Council.

d. Resolution: Acknowledgement of May being Mental Health Awareness Month e. Resolution: Five-Year

Extension of the Metro Act Right-of-Way Agreement with AT&T. BE IT RESOLVED that, City of the Village

of Clarkston hereby recognizes May 2024 as Mental Health Awareness Month.

Roll Call Vote: All Ayes – Casey, Lamphier, Quisenberry, Roth.

Resolution is Adopted 4-0

e. Resolution: Five-Year Extension of the Metro Act Right-of-Way Agreement with AT&T. BE IT

RESOLVED that, the city of the Village of Clarkston hereby authorizes the City Clerk to sign and return the

attached Metro Act permit extension through August 2029.

Roll Call Vote: All Ayes – Casey, Lamphier, Quisenberry, Roth.

Resolution is Adopted 4-0


Motion by Laphier, supported by Roth to adjourn the regular City Council Meeting at 8:08 p.m. – Vote – All


Motion Carried 4-0

Respectfully Submitted by Karen DeLorge, City Clerk.

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