City of the Village of Clarkston
Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall
375 Depot Road
Clarkston, Michigan 48346
City Council Regular Meeting Minutes
06 27 2022 Final Minutes
Call To Order @ 7:00pm by Mayor Haven.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call Haven, Avery, Casey, Fuller, Wylie, Rodgers, Luginski – Present.
4. Approval of Agenda – Motion Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Rodgers to approve the Agenda with the addition of a 12b for the 4th of July Parade.
5. Public Comments: By Chet Pardee
6. FYI
7. Discussion Parking Fees and Tickets
8. Sheriff Report for May 2022 Maria Zwiernik of Pinehurst Ct, (Independence Twp.) spoke regarding the public using Middle Lake by accessing off White Lake Rd. Continuing to damage that area by littering and eroding the embankments. Motion by Haven Seconded by Wylie to amend the Agenda to add a motion for signage on Middle Lake by White Lake Rd. Motion By Haven Seconded by Wylie to add warning signage at the White Lake Rd access to Middle Lake Rd. All Aye Motion Carried.
9. City Manager Report Jonathan Smith brought up the last-minute need of new brushes for the street sweeper. Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Haven to add a Resolution for the purchase of new street sweeper brushes. All Aye Motion Carried.
9.a. Resolution: Street Sweeper Brushes Motion by Haven Seconded by Wylie to approve the expenditure of $812.00 for the purchase of replacement sweeper brushes. Avery, Casey, Fuller, Haven, Wylie, Rodgers, Luginski – Yes Motion Carried.
10. Motion: Acceptance of The Consent Agenda as Presented Motioned by Casey Seconded by Fuller to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. All Aye motion carried.
11. Old Business
11.a. Motion: Complete Streets Motioned by Avery Seconded by Rodgers to initially approve the Complete Streets program and request the Planning Commission to continue efforts with SEMCOG and MDOT and then return to Council with a final recommendation, including funding. All Aye Motion Carried.
11.b. Resolution: 2022/23 FY Budget Presented by City Manager Jonathan Smith. Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Fuller to adopt the General Appropriations Act for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. Haven, Avery, Casey, Fuller, Wylie, Rodgers, Luginski – Yes Motion Carried.
11.c. Motion: Main Street Oakland County Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Luginski to table this motion until next Council meeting in order for the motion to be rewritten. All Aye Motion Carried.
11.d. Resolution: Christmas Market Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Avery to authorize a budget of $1,000.00 be established for the Christmas Market to be held on December 10, 2022, from 4:30 until 8:30. Avery, Casey, Fuller, Haven, Wylie, Rodgers, Luginski – Yes Motion Carried.
11.e. Resolution: Clarkston Anniversary Motioned by Haven Seconded by Rodgers to authorize a budget of $1,000.00 be established for the July 1, 2022, Clarkston Anniversary celebration in Depot Park, to be paid from the Park Materials budget. Avery, Casey, Fuller, Haven, Wylie, Rodgers, Luginski – Yes. Motion Carried.
12. New Business
12.a. Resolution: 21/22 FY Budget Amendment Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Avery to authorize the City Treasurer to complete a 21/22 FY budget amendment in the amount of $6,175.00 as described in the schedule provided. Avery, Casey, Fuller, Haven, Wylie, Rodgers, Luginski – Yes. Motion Carried.
12.b. Resolution: 4th Of July Parade Motioned by Haven Seconded by Wylie to authorize a not-to-exceed budget of $1,000 for DPW worker wages for the 4th of July Parade provided that the parade organizers submit an insurance certificate for the event listing the City as an additionally insured party. Avery, Casey, Fuller, Haven, Wylie, Rodgers, Luginski – Yes. Motion Carried.
13. Adjourn Motioned by Wylie Seconded by Rodgers to adjourn at 9:14pm. All Aye Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted by Jennifer Speagle, City Clerk.