March 21, 2023 – Regular Meeting
APPROVED Agenda as presented
APPROVED Consent Agenda as presented
1. Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Minutes of March 7, 2023
2. March 14, 2023 Check Run ($325,064.93) and Ratify the March 3, 2023 Payroll ($298,352.97) and the February 2023 Wire/EFT/Transfer Activity ($3,422,805.14)
3. Brady Lodge Rental with Alcohol, May 6, 2023 – Kathleen Marheine
4. 2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Service Contract with Clarkston Area Youth Assistance (CAYA)
5. 2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Public Service Contract with Springfield Township
The following motions were made and passed:
APPROVED: Acceptance of bids received from The Graphic Wizard of Clarkston for costs associated with the printing of shirts and hats in an amount not to exceed $19,000 for the 2023 Summer Youth Baseball & Softball season, and associated distribution costs, based on actual costs and quantities, and direct the Township Supervisor to sign the acceptance of the bids as the authorized representative of the Township
APPROVED: Compliance Examination cost of $12,000.00 along with additional audit related expenses of $10,100.00, approve 2023 Budget Amendment #9 as presented, and to go out for bid for a future contract
APPROVED: Waiver of the Township’s Procurement, Petty Cash, and Credit Card Policy Section 3. Standards for Procurement, 3.2 Procurement Procedures, p-3 Purchases and Contracts from $10,001.00 and up (or item) requiring comparative price quotations and accept the quote received from Milne Ford of Macomb Michigan for the purchase of a 2023 Ford Transit 250 Cargo Van VIN# 1FTBR2C86PKA61847 in an amount not to exceed $66,910.00, authorize the Supervisor to sign the purchase agreement as the authorized representative of the Township and APPROVE 2023 Budget Amendment #10 as presented
APPROVED: Proposal for professional services associated with Interior Facilities Improvements for the Department of Public Works and Independence Township Fire Station #1 as submitted by George W Auch Company (AUCH Construction) of Pontiac, Michigan pursuant to section 1.6 Cooperative and Extended Purchasing and Section 3.2 Procurement Procedures of the Township Procurement-Petty Cash Credit Card Policy and direct the Supervisor to sign the proposals as the authorized representative of the Township.
APPROVED: 2023 Budget Amendment #8 as presented
AMMENDED: Charter Township of Independence Operating Budget Policy as presented.
AMMENDED: Charter Township of Independence Procurement, Petty Cash and Credit Card Policy under 3. Standards for Procurement; 3.2 Procurement Procedures; p-1, p-2, and p-3, including Appendix B as presented
ADOPTED: Resolution #2023-003 to amend the Independence Township Employee (Non-Union) Policy and Benefit Manual Sections 100 and 308 for purposes of updating recognized classifications and addressing contributions made to defined contribution retirement plans, authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to execute the same and approve 2023 Budget Amendment #11 as presented
APPROVED: Acceptance of the proposal received from GovHR USA, LLC for the purpose of administering a competitive salary compensation review project through a work plan that includes but is not limited to project steps, tasks and deliverables determined through analysis of existing data in an amount of $19,200.00 plus a $2,000.00 contingency for an amount not to exceed of $21,200.00 and direct the Supervisor to sign the proposal as the authorized representative of the Township and approve 2023 Budget Amendment #12 as presented
Respectfully Submitted,
Cari J. Neubeck, MiPMC II / CMC
Township Clerk
Published: Wednesday, March 29, 2023