Residents:’What is the true cost of gouging our neighbors??

To the editor:
The Brandon Recreation Department, formerly the Brandon-Groveland-Ortonville (BGO) Recreation Department, has served this community for many years. In those years, Brandon, Groveland and Ortonville have worked together in support of one another to make this community what it is today. Politically the entities are separate, but socially they are nearly the same family.
Township Supervisor Ron Lapp, on behalf of the board and himself, says that, ‘We represent Brandon taxpayers and need to look out for their interests.? As a Brandon resident, I can appreciate Mr. Lapp’s statement. When looking out for our interest, I hope that the board is looking at the whole picture. How will this non-resident participation fee increase affect our community? This increase has raised the monetary difference a Groveland resident has to pay above a Brandon resident from around $5 to $60 for a single individual to participate in a single recreation program. If they choose, they can pay an annual $125 fee for a family of unlimited members. I have heard from many in the community that because of this perceived price gouging, they will be taking their children and their money elsewhere. People can go to Clarkston, for example, and participate in their recreation programs for an additional $10 non-resident fee.
I don’t think it’s fair to say that the Groveland residents have been using our facilities for free. I think they’ve been using them based on what they were told they had to pay. I do agree that non-residents should pay something above what a resident pays. I also think that extra fee should be in line with other communities in our area.
At the moment, we have many non-residents thinking about taking their kids elsewhere. Along with their kids, we will be losing coaches, as well as parent volunteers, in some of our programs. It almost seems as if the Brandon Recreation Department would like to discourage non-residents from participating in our programs altogether. Is this based on the assumption that more Brandon residents will sign their children up for the programs, compensating for the shortfall in participation numbers? If the number of resident participants does not increase, we will all be stuck with higher rates for our programs, compensating for the shortfall in revenue and essentially shooting ourselves in the foot.
Because of the extent of this fee hike, Groveland Township has decided to discontinue giving the Brandon Recreation Department the $15,000 contribution they had been giving the past few years. And now our recreation department is going to have to make up the money from somewhere. I think that all the Brandon Township residents are going to end up paying a lot more for our parks and recreation programs since people and money will be leaving our community.
Remember what Supervisor Ron Lapp said, ‘We represent Brandon taxpayers and need to look out for their interests.? While on the political side of things, charging more may make sense, on the social side, gouging our neighbors will definitely raise resentment amongst a normally calm community.
I would hope the Brandon Board and Supervisor Ron Lapp would reconsider the amount of the non-resident fee increase.
Ronny Arndt
Brandon Township