By Brandon Kathman
Special to the Clarkston News
Scouting programs in northern Oakland County’s Pontiac-Manito District have experienced an ongoing revival in the aftermath of COVID-19, with district-wide membership increasing by 8.5 percent over their year-end 2021 totals.
According to Sr. District Executive Kevin Lauro, Oakland County’s North Star, Ottawa and Pontiac-Manito Districts collectively registered over 500 new participants in September alone.
“Scouting is the greatest and largest youth-serving movement in the world, and it usually sells itself,” Lauro said. “This fall, we have been given the opportunity to show what we’re all about to hundreds of families who haven’t had the chance to hear about us over the past two years.”
Much of the growth has occurred in Cub Scouting, which serves elementary-age youth.
Clarkston Pack 163 at Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church presently has 64 Cub Scouts compared to 44 in 2021. Pack 182 at Oakland County Sportsman’s Club has 32 members over 22 in 2021, and Pack 341 at Bailey Lake Elementary shows 18 over a previous membership of 12.
While the Cub Scout program is growing, local leaders are inviting older youth without prior Scouting experience to join their advanced programs, like Scouts BSA. These troops will not see these new Cub Scouts “cross-over” for several years, yet they faced the same challenges during COVID.
“Any boy or girl in middle or high school can join one of our local troops,” Field Director Bob DeWar said. ““While Cub Scouts is a wonderful program, Scouts BSA is where opportunities for true high adventure await.”
Scouting’s Michigan Crossroads Council, which oversees all districts across the Lower Peninsula, also ranks as one of the fastest growing in the nation. According to the council, state-wide participation is up by 2,004 youth over those active during fall of 2021.
Those interested in learning more about local Scouting programs in Clarkston can visit
PHOTO: Interested families gather for a Join Scouting Night. Photo: Brandon Kathman