By Wendi Reardon Price
Clarkston News Staff Writer
Team RUSH 27 Robotics built their cardboard and duct tape boats so well this year that not even Deer Lake or the rain could take them down during the annual RUSH Regatta on July 8.
“The day was great,” said Coach Kyle Hughes. “Although we got a little wet on the beach, the students did an awesome job. All six boats lasted through their races. Only one didn’t make it to the final race to the dumpster. They are becoming better engineers because nobody sank.”
The race was a double elimination, and Team 2, the Killer B’s, went through the tournament undefeated. They finished as winner of the races after their final race against Team 6, Peter Pan.
“The races were amazing,” Hughes shared. “This year, boats got turned around during the races and paddled backwards to continue towards the finish line because it was faster than turning around. One of them even won the race, finishing the race backwards.”

The Killer B’s may have walked away winning the races but Team 5, the Fishermen, with Boone McNaughton, Jack Ceo, Charles Goodrich, Luke Jeung and Zach Torrez, claimed the Regatta Cup finishing with 25 points to be the champions. They scored the most points in both cash collected and presentation to boost them one point ahead of teams one and six.
“It was close,” said Hughes. “But they now get the honor and bragging rights of being the Regatta Cup Champion.”
Team 6, with Sam DeKoninck, Milo Dost, Ashlynn Brooks, AJ Edwards and Allison Goodrich, won title of Cash Crusader.
Team 2, with Charles DeKoninck, Noah Gedraitis, Chris Manwaring, Aubrey Spencer and Giana Green, won title of Wicked Fast WaterCraft for the fastest boat.
Team 1, with Paul Hanley, Ameera Abdellateef, Lauren Sielinski, Abraham Reyes-Sanchez and Emily Goodrich, not only scored the most points in their presentation to the judges but also had best theme.
“Each team had to have a theme, and this year’s themes were off the charts,” said Hughes. “From handmade costumes to purchased supplies, the themes have never been so great. Team 1’s boat was hand painted to the Finding Nemo theme. In order to do that, they had to have their boat done a week early so Lauren could paint it. She did an amazing job.”
During the boat building process, the teams also raised money which will help during the upcoming competition season.
“One team raised over $12,000,” Hughes shared. “We are very excited because the team as a whole raised over $50,000 in pledges. We are still accepting donations. We are super thankful to Henry Woloson for his support through the David W. Elliott Memorial Foundation with matching funds. This was a great incentive for the students.”
They also raised $500 through food sales and merchandise for the John Lafata Heart Scholarship, named after Lafata who passed away while on the team.
“We try to honor John each year by raising money for this scholarship to continue his legacy with the team,” Hughes said. “The weather wasn’t really in our favor, so sales weren’t quite what we were hoping, but we are excited to have another scholarship ready for this year.”
She added the RUSH Regatta is a great community event which includes alumni, kids from RUSH camps, families and sponsors coming to watch the race.
“Thanks to Deer Lake Beach for all their support. Lifeguards and Independence Township Parks, Recreation and Seniors are wonderful to work with,” Hughes said. “Special thanks to 1-800-GOT-JUNK, who donated their time and truck in a pinch. They were awesome. They backed up to the gate and waited for the cardboard to be carried from the lake to be shipped out for good.”
Team RUSH 27’s next community event is the Clarkston Holiday Lights Parade, December 9, which they host.
“We hope to see all of the community in the parade and on the streets watching,” said Hughes. “Thank you, Clarkston, for supporting these kids and the world renowned robotics team, Team RUSH”
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