Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer wiener…

Oh, I wish I was an Oscar Mayer wiener…

I really haven’t listened to music on the radio since about 1982. Music started to change back then (or maybe it was me), so I started listening to talk radio versus music stations. I tuned my car’s radio to WWJ, WJR and I think there was a sports talk radio on 1270 AM, too. Yup, […]

Sponge baths and more spurs readers to write

One of my favorite parts of being a highly skilled, well compensated and much imitated columnist is hearing back from readers. Over the past 36 years of writing the much loved Don’t Rush Me column (something north of 1,800 columns) readers respond. Sometimes you agree with me, sometimes you want to take me out to […]

Summer baseball memories

Summer baseball memories

This past Sunday was the most underappreciated holiday in America – Fathers Day. And, while we can debate the merits of my statement, there are a number of things that come to mind when I think of Fathers Day. Of course, I think of my very own father, gone now for about 26 years. Miss […]

Not finding the romance of a sponge bath

Not finding the romance of a sponge bath

  Yup. You’ve probably heard by now (and if you haven’t hang on a moment, you will) I sorta’ kinda’ broke my right knee right good in the middle of May. One wrong twist and smooth as silk I went down, rupturing my pettalar tendon. Sports fans may know that’s the tendon that goes from […]

One good turn deserves a big crash, bang!

One good turn deserves a big crash, bang!

All I can say is, “Bumbles don’t bounce like they used to.” And, will I add, that really kinda sucks. Whether you know it or not your hero (that would be me) ain’t as young as he once was. There was a time I could jump off tall buildings on run, with knees bent, land […]

To all the moms I’ve loved before . . .

To all the moms I’ve loved before . . .

Kinda’ hard to believe that this Sunday we all celebrate Mom. It’s almost Mothers Day already, for crying out loud. That means the year is almost half over already. Yikes. In years past I have gotten all mushy when talking about the wonderfulness of moms. This will be the first year my sisters and I […]

So many thoughts, so little space

So many thoughts, so little space

I know many a young, dapper man out there has looked up to me. Not for my sage, Neanderthal Philosopher wisdom, nor for advice on communicating, business, finances, love and liberty. No, no my friends, nothing so life-important have I been sought to be a mentor. So, of course, I must be talking about my […]

Easter Sunday is around the corner, thank God

Easter Sunday is around the corner, thank God

John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” * * * For those who celebrate Easter, and for those who do not, to you I say, “Shalom.” May you find peace and harmony. May wholeness […]

The older you get, the more it happens

The older you get, the more it happens

Kids, this may come to a surprise to you, but when you get older — say in your 50s and 60s — your brain still thinks intellectually you’re choppin’ tall cotton. Your body and the mirror may tell a different story, but your brain still thinks it is on top functioning on all cylinders. 70, […]

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