Texting brings out the Mom Squad

As any science fiction writer who is at least average does, I often project from today into the future. So I did a few weeks past, when I penned a column about the end of civilization thanks to a population addicted to texting.
And, it actually piqued some readers? attention. So without further eloquence . . .
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My stepson, Ryan, was majorly marked down on an English paper he did last year. He blamed it on the teacher, stating that she was being SO picky. After reading the paper, I was shocked to see his ‘text language? being used in place of our English language. He used ‘bc? repeatedly in place of ‘because.? By the way (BTW), he thinks that everyone should know what this means. I told him everyone does not know what bc means and the only bc abbreviation I know is for before Christ.
His dad and I chewed him out and now proofread what he turns in at school. We have seen this change and we do not like it! Though I must admit that when he texts LUL, (love you lots) my heart smiles. 🙂 — Kathleen G.
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Hey Don, — Nice article about texting. . . .I think some folks use texting as an easy way out. In a text, you don’t have to look the other person in the eye. You can hide behind your tiny little cell phone screen and you don’t have to LISTEN to the other person’s
reply. Texting shouldn’t be called ‘co?-mmunicating. It should be called ‘uni-cating.?
So I share your fear about civilization crumbling. . . and I too am anal retentive about spelling in my texts (and pretty much everywhere else).
As I re-read, I’m feeling like a complete hypocrite. I love to text and I regularly use all of those shortcuts. But I do feel guilty when I use them, like I’m offending Noah Webster himself. Is that worth anything? — Sue F.
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Hey Don — I think your column is dead on.
Technology has been a great thing, has made our lives easier and more productive, but it definitely is changing our children. It’s changing how they are growing, their life experiences and who they will ultimately become. Not knowing what the end result will be is the scariest part.
Interesting memory. . . I remember the phone was in our kitchen growing up, and I was always careful about what I was saying cuz my mom was right there cooking, etc. I usually whispered. My kids have conversations and I didn’t even hear the phone ring.
Advice: Be snoopy. If they leave their phone laying around, check the texts. That’s how I found out my son was planning to meet a girl at the mailbox at midnight. Busted!
I like to spell things out in complete sentences and people tell me that I’m too wordy. I was discussing what new acronyms I learned just this week with my husband . . . one is LMAO . . . and MILF. I think we’re doomed. Great column . . . again! — Dee C.
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Texting — hate it — mostly because i can’t do it. although i do love my e-mail and IM — thank you mom for forcing me to take typing in high school. i also don’t feel a need to punctuate correctly or use capitals — i assume you know that i know….
I think it is a wonderful convenience IF, the big IF, people are also able to communicate in real life’face to face or on paper. The problem with this process being used among teens is that they are skipping much of their ‘real life? experiences at a very crucial stage in there lives. It is up to us as parents and educators to outsmart the little rascals and figure out a way to incorporate the new technology in a ‘real? way.
I am also quite sure there were parents grumbling about the first printing press, the telephone, the typewriter, the ‘horse-less carriage? etc. as being the end of civilization as well. And you know what, they were right. It was the end of one thing and the beginning of something else equally wonderful — just different.
What is good?
We can’t stop progress — even if it doesn’t seem like the right thing. I don’t really want to go back to the ‘good old days? (for one thing they had really ugly shoes and I just got my hair to look good with hair dryers and flat irons). I guess we just need to step up and show them what they are missing by sticking to one form of communication and we need to be a little more open minded about the positive aspects of technology. Everything in moderation. — Hollie G.
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There is a wonderfulness to the printed word. Texting cannot capture tone, convey nuance, create a vivid image or communicate a thought longer than 60 words. It is a quick way to get a message out, but it encourages misspellings because ‘r? is faster than spelling out ‘are.?
‘Prolly? kills me. I wonder if teens and 20-somethings even know how to spell ‘probably.? btw, where we stay on Harsens Island there’s no cell service and no land line so TEXTING is our only alternative. Essential! Going with the flow.? — Peggy M.
E-mail your comments to: don@dontrushmedon.com