Time for a Wolf gold rush

Don’t know what to wear to the Wolves’ home opener on Friday?
Don’t worry! Custom Threads and Sports has you covered with bright yellow Clarkston Football T-shirts.
“It’s something for the fans to wear,” said Matt McCord, a 2009 Clarkston High School grad. “Something for the students as well to support their team. They can all come out and wear the same color in the stands and show their support.”
This year they have teamed up with the football team to help the team and everyone who uses the stadium with the new field house being built.
“We live in Clarkston and we try to give back to the Clarkston community,” said McCord. “One of the biggest programs we give back to is Clarkston Track. We thought we would do Clarkston football and help give back for the field house being built.”
The T-shirts are $10 and $3 from every T-shirt sold will go into a fund to be donated to the Field House Project.
“We work with a bunch of different teams,” McCord added. “We are working directly with football this year. We thought we would give back to something that directly gives back to the program and other athletes.”
The T-shirt are available online at www.customthreadsandsports.com/clarkston or at their store at 2647 South Lapeer Road in Lake Orion.
The T-shirts are for sale at the Wolves first home game on Friday.