We received the news last Tuesday that our company had been sold (See Pages 1, 4, and 5 in this edition.)
And while my three years here pales in comparison to a great deal of my colleagues, I have grown to deeply enjoy the folks I work with and the Sherman family as a whole.
I never met Jim Sherman, Sr., but from what I have read and been told by all that knew him, he was a great businessman and an even better person.
In fact, Mr. Sherman passed away just prior to my hiring in at the Clarkston News back in February 2019.
Last week, I met our new owner and publisher and I believe they understand the value of community journalism.
I know that many community newspapers have gone by the wayside in recent years, but all the publications under the former Sherman umbrella – now View Newspapers – have stood the test of time.
That was something I spoke of in my interview back in January 2019, that the Clarkston News had been around since 1929, so the people running it must have been doing something right.
Very accurate, yes.
In this business, we don’t do it to become millionaires. We don’t do it for the glory.
We do it because the passion for community and truthful storytelling is in our veins.
And now, with us going through a transition phase, I believe that is reason for excitement.
Not everyone accepts change easily, but I have every reason to be elated that community journalism will continue here.
— Matt Mackinder