WHAT ‘MATT’ERS: Freezing time

The Mackinder family enjoying Niagara Falls on a recent family vacation. Photo provided

A column by Matt Mackinder

I am of the opinion the phrase “time flies when you’re having fun” takes on a whole new meaning once you have kids.
Here’s an example:
Back in 2005 when my wife, Stephanie, had our oldest, Ethan, we were over the moon.
And rightfully so.
People everywhere told us to enjoy the time because kids grow up so fast and we’ll wish we had the time back.
At the time, we thought nothing of it, rather chalking it up to courteous advice from friends and family.
Fast-forward nearly 14 years later and, yeah, where has the time gone?!?
These days at our house, the words “high school” are not to be mentioned with Ethan’s name. Stephanie isn’t ready to have a child in high school. And for that matter, neither am I. How did this even happen?
Then, you keep looking around the house and Wyatt, our little jaundiced baby, is now in middle school (and no longer jaundiced), and Madelyn is in third grade but with enough sass to fill her entire elementary school.
Kids are a gift and should be treated as such. These three are our joys and are all so much fun in their own unique ways.
This time of year, we always brace ourselves for the onslaught of the spring sports season. All three kiddos play soccer and the boys play baseball and also bowl. Ethan and Wyatt are also straight-A students and Maddie gets exemplary marks as well (no letter grades yet for her).
Yes, the calendar is packed. Most nights, we divide and conquer and meet up at a game or practice or home. Some nights, dinner comes in the form of Taco Bell combo meals or whatever concoctions we can create from what’s in the fridge.
But we make it work. And we enjoy it.
Time with our kids should be cherished.
Enjoy this time because at some point, they’ll be out of the house, married with a family of their own and we’ll wish we could go back to the soccer field just one more time.
Make time stand still for as long as you can.
Live in the moment. Be happy.

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