What? Write a column . . .

Yeah, I know, I know.
Don, you said you’d write more . . . you are saying.
And, you’re correct, I did say something like that. But (here comes the excuse), I am working on stuff at work, other than writing.
One thing is this website. I gotta? get it more modern.
I have added a few things to it, if you have not noticed. On the left of the page, scroll down to Movie of the Week and Bonus Movie of the Week. If you click on either of these, you’ll be able to watch full-length feature films. Currently I have hooked you all up with some “classic” horror flicks. Killer Shrews and Horror Express. Movies you may have seen on shows hosted by Sir Graves, The Ghoul, or Mystery Science Theatre 3000.
Horror Express is from the 1970s and stars Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and Telly Savalas (any horror movie with Kojak has got to be good. Doesn’t it?)
Killer Shrew stars the guy who was the bumbling sheriff from TV’s Dukes of Hazard.
They are public domain movies — relatively harmless, mostly cheesy. Check back often, as I plan on switching them out as I am touched by a the spirit to do so.
Also, I wanna? get a Personals column on the site, for locals to meet. Suggestions are welcome.
I know “social networking” is the newest, hippest, coolest thing on-line, since the last newest, hippest coolest thing on-line. I have signed up for Linkedin (professional), was on MySpace and now am on FaceBook (my sisters made me do it, cuz I don’t communicate often.) Well, I want to have a local social network on our site. As I envision this, it’ll be a cross between MySpace and FaceBook. I have a name for it, too: MyFace.
Members will be MF’ers . . . I even thought of a jingle. “I’m an MF’er, she’s an MF’er wouldn’t you like to be an MF’er, too?”
Do you think that will fly?
I think I feel some eyebrows rising.