City Council, 6-26-17

06 26 2017 MINUTES
1. Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Wylie, Marsh, Kneisc, Haven, Detkowski,
Catallo, Mayor Percival, Present . Approval of Agenda:
Motion by Catallo, Supported by Detkowski, to approve
the agenda with the addition of Sheriff report at 6 B.
Motion Carried. Public Comments: Chet Pardee made
comments that are attached. These comments are not
necessarily the view or opinion of City Council or Staff.
FYI : Clarkston Garden Walk July 19, 2017. The walk
starts at the Library. 6B. Report from Lieutenant Larry
Perry. Consent Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Supported
by Percival, to approve the Treasurer Report and Minutes
06 12 2017, the approval of minutes for 05 22 2017
(with additional comments Exhibit A) are postponed till
next meeting. Motion Carried. Motion by Wylie, Supported
by Detkowski to meet past 9:00 PM.
Resolution by Wylie, Supported by Haven, to adopt
the Budget for 2017-2018 including 12.0966 mills operating
levy in accordance with Michigan State law. Roll
Call: Wylie, Detkowski, Haven, Catallo, Kneisc, Marsh,
Percival, All Yes. Resolution Adopted.
Resolution by Wylie, Supported by Detkowski, to
approve the operating millage rate for 2017-2018 rate of
12.7876 (FY 17 maximum millage levy) -0.691 (FY17
library millage reduction) = 12.0966(FY2017-2018 millage
to be levied). Roll Call: Percival, Haven, Catallo,
Marsh, Detkowski, Kneisc, Wylie. Resolution Adopted.
Resolution by Catallo, Supported by Percival, to
amend the General Fund Budget FY2017. The fiscal
year end June 30, 2017 projected fund balance is
$225,801.00 Roll Call: Percival, Haven, Catallo, Marsh,
Wylie, Kneisc, Detkowski. Resolution Adopted.
Resolution by Haven, Supported by Catallo, to approve
a two month agreement with Code Enforcement
Services for Building Administration in the absence of
the Building Department person Jennifer Miller. Roll Call:
Haven, Kneisc, Catallo, Percival, Detkowski, Wylie,
Marsh. Resolution Adopted.
Resolution by Wylie, Supported by Detkowski, to
approve the one year contract with Carlisle and Associates
in the amount of $785.00 per month for Building
Consultant, Craig Strong. Roll Call: Detkowski, Percival,
Catallo, Kneisc, Haven, Marsh, Wylie. Resolution
Motion by Wylie, Supported by Percival to adjourn
at 9:58 PM. Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted, Sandy Miller, City Clerk

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