2024 CAYA Youth Recognition Ceremony and Dessert Reception

 We thank Megan Kelley, Editor of The Clarkston News, who wrote a wonderful article about the 2024 CAYA Youth Recognition Ceremony and Dessert Reception. About 375 community members came together to recognize and celebrate 71 honorees, from young fives to grade 12, for personal well-being/growth and for the concern for the well-being of others. There are many to thank for making the evening memorable.
 Clarkston High School students, Jane Sorensen, Samantha Carpentier and Maya Mosier sang beautifully as guests took their seats. MC, Independence Township Clerk Cari Neubeck, welcomed everyone, setting the tone for an evening of well-being. Paul Brown, Independence Township Treasurer, presented the Sponsor Remarks. Speaking directly to the honorees, he shared how the acts of kindness and support he experienced as a child are still remembered and have inspired him to be kind and supportive to others throughout his life.
 The Keynote Speaker, Staci Puzio, Clarkston Community Schools (CCS) Director of Student Growth, Well-Being, and Community Partnerships, told the students, “Your commitment to compassion, empathy and positive change serves as a beacon of hope for all of us.”
 Reading the honoree affirmations aloud were Dr. Shawn Ryan, Superintendent of CCS, John Bennink, Principal of Clarkston Junior High School, Cari Neubeck and Staci Puzio. Also, on stage to congratulate the honorees were representatives of CAYA’s sponsors: Clarkston Community Schools; Independence Township; Springfield Township; City of the Village of Clarkston. Almost 40 nominators attended the Ceremony to support honorees!
 CAYA’s volunteers congratulated honorees and their families from the moment they arrived. At the honoree check-in, each honoree received personalized certificates from local government officials and an affirmation document suitable for framing. After the Ceremony, volunteers welcomed the proud honorees and their families to the beautifully decorated Dessert Reception where delectable cookies, mini-cupcakes and brownies, mostly homemade, were served.

Youth Recognition Program Committee
Clarkston Area Youth Assistance

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