Here are some common sense rules that motorists should follow under various conditions.
Remember to keep your vehicle locked at all times, whether moving or parked. If you are driving at night, use well-lighted streets and parking lots that are open to easy observation.
Be cautious of any stranger approaching your vehicle. If you feel that you are in danger, press the horn repeatedly in short blasts; this will attract attention. If you think you are being followed, pull into the nearest gas station or safe place.
DO NOT DRIVE HOME! This gives your follower your address. It is advisable to plan and study your route before you leave, whether it is for a short drive in the city or a longer trip into the country.
DO NOT pick up hitch-hikers. This may seem overcautious and an unfair stereotyping of hitchhikers; however, you do not know to whom you are giving a ride. You could be jeopardizing your safety and well-being.