Girl Scouts is an organization that has always prided itself on giving back to the community through leadership and service.
Daisies, Brownies and Juniors from Troop 76659 at Andersonville Elementary have been spending their time doing just that at Clarkston Family Farm, located at 6800 Hubbard Road.
Each year, the troop brainstorms various ways to give back to the community and puts together a plan of action.
This year, the girls collectively chose Clarkston Family Farm for their community service project. Several rewarding weekends and meetings were spent on the farm tending to the gardens, painting tires for a new retaining wall with rain barrels, and assembling harvest baskets to help spread holiday cheer.
The troop left each time feeling proud of the work they had done and always looked forward to whatever awaited them on their next visit.
On a Saturday in April, a very exciting moment for the troop took place as they eagerly handed a $300 donation to Chelsea O’Brien, Clarkston Family Farm executive director.
The troop donated a portion of their cookie sales proceeds to help fund a pen for the farm’s upcoming addition, a soon-to-be mother pig.
The farm is giving Troop 76659 the honor of naming the new pig and her piglets.