The sun is out, the grass is growing, the rain is coming down, and roads are under construction.
Yes, folks, summer is officially here in Michigan.
Is it just me, or does this summer feel a lot different from the 2020 version?
Last year, we weren’t sure where we could go, IF we could go, and when we could see family and friends. It was eerie. People stayed home and when we did head out in public, we were limited to seeing people’s eyes and foreheads as masks were covering our noses and mouths.
School had already been out since March and kids were on a very lengthy summer break. The Tigers were in a holding pattern when it came to baseball and families were adjusting to having homes turned into home offices.
Here we are a year later, and things seem better. Masks are being worn less, folks are getting vaccinated, and businesses are getting back up to speed, with or without the needed amount of employees.
The Tigers have been playing their normal schedule, too.
I think the best part is seeing faces out in public and at local businesses and establishments. I think we all missed seeing faces, didn’t we?
Now that we are into July, these are the dog days of summer. No school for a while. The days are sunny for the most part, we hear the sound of lawn mowers and weed whackers more than ever and smell the distinct odor of outdoor grilling.
There is nothing like the sights and smells of a Michigan summer.
Just remember we are still in Michigan, and that we probably only have eight weeks tops of this favorable weather.
The trees will start to turn, the kids will be back in school, and then the hopes arise in the kids of the impending holidays and potential snow days. We all remember the dreaded snow days, don’t we?
Until that time comes, however, let’s enjoy the summer of 2021 and try and put 2020 as far back in our memory banks as we can. I think we all took a mulligan on 2020.
It was a crazy time and one we always remember, but for now, onward with summertime fun!
Play ball, and please pass me the mustard!
— Matt Mackinder