Letter to the Editor: Reader says CRT is important

Dear Editor,

I’ve been reading with some interest the letters you have published on Critical Race Theory.
This is an important discussion in our communities, so we should stick with the facts and not allow it to get too political.
In truth, CRT does not have roots in Marxism.
Why is Marx always the boogeyman?
In fact, there are many Marxist-inspired systems in play in our everyday lives. Labor unions. Many of our social programs. Business subsidies. And more.
Nor is it rooted in a convoluted oppressive religious doctrine.
Actually, religion has nothing to do with CRT. Unless it’s the part when our religions teach us about such things as empathy, tolerance, and justice.
The simple fact is that our political, policy and economic systems in the United States are based on, and support the premise, that one race owns or controls another.
The only hope of changing those systems and getting to a better place is to confront America’s true racial history.
And that’s what CRT tries to do.
Some of us are older and set in our ways and beliefs. This is hard stuff, and it can be painful, but give our kids a chance. Teach American history completely and honestly, including American racial history.
And give our children the intellectual space to create a country and world shaped by the full force and content of well-informed hearts and minds.

Michael Palese

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