Paying it forward

Paying it forward

Sgt. Sharon Schabel, a Patrol Sergeant in Independence Township, needed a little pick-me-up to get through her shift back on Oct. 8. These kind citizens paid for her milkshake at the McDonald’s at M-15 and Dixie Highway when they noticed her behind them in the drive-thru. “I was able to catch them to thank them,” […]

Halloween hours

Halloween trick or treating time this year has been extended to 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, October 31.  The additional time will allow – in light of COVID – people to spread out a little more and socially distance themselves.  Residents not wishing to participate the whole two hours have the option of turning on their […]

Special meeting

A special joint meeting of the Clarkston Planning Commission and the Historic District Commission will be held virtually tonight, October 21, at 7 p.m. to hear a proposal from a developer seeking to build a multi-family unit on the vacant property at Main Street and Waldon Road. No decisions will be made in the meeting […]

Tree trimming

The city is continuing to trim trees in the city easements, with the objective to reduce drooping branches that are blocking driver’s and pedestrian’s sightlines, reduce the risk of dead branches falling on people or cars, and eliminate branches that may be blocking the street lights causing safety concerns. 

Winner, winner, chili dinner

Winner, winner, chili dinner

Jim Brueck (right) won the Middle Lake Association’s chili cook-off on the beach, Sept 26. Pictured, from left, are Kurt Miller, association president, Tom Lowrie, cook-off organizer and MC, and Brueck. Photo provided

Letter to the Editor: Don’t mess with trash pick-up

Dear Editor,  We would like to remind Independence Township officials that the last time they suggested taking over control of our garbage pick-up service that the public turned out in high numbers at the high school voicing their objections to having yet another decision of a private service of their choosing being taken away by […]

Letter to the Editor: Stealing yard signs … why?

Dear Editor, My wife and I try to take an active role in political affairs and part of that includes putting out political yard signs during elections.  On the night of October 13, someone removed our Trump/Pence sign and, as near as we can tell, every other Trump/Pence sign along Pine Knob Road.  Oddly enough, […]

What ‘MATT’ers: Some people…

Over the past year or so, I have grown to loathe social media. Maybe it’s been longer than that. It’s just so frustrating to me that with any topic that is talked about, any topic at all, everyone is an expert all of a sudden. Everyone is a health expert. Everyone is a political expert. […]

Letter to the Editor: Thankful for local information

Dear Editor, At a time when we are being bombarded with state, national and international news, we look forward to receiving and reading The Clarkston News. Recent articles about civic-minded groups like The Clarkston Farm and Garden Club, Clarkston SCAMP and local school activities provide a welcome break from intense news cycles. The value of […]