Letter to the Editor: Looking to re-connect — please help!

Dear Editor, As with many others, I was inconvenienced by the COVID pandemic. I had traveled 1,469 miles all the way from Rawlins, Wyoming to have a book signing at the Clarkston Independence District Library and teach some writing techniques to a couple of fourth grade students. Just before my arrival in my previous hometown, […]

Guest Viewpoint: CCS needs more race education as part of curriculum

Dear Principal Kaul and Clarkston Community Schools, We are a group of current Clarkston High School students, alumni, parents of students, and other members of the Clarkston community writing to you with a humble request to insert additional Black perspectives into the English, History, and Government curricula at Clarkston High School for the 2020-21 academic […]

Letter to the Editor: Questioning local government

Dear Editor, Having watched the city and the city attorney vigorously defend their refusal to comply with the FOIA request, one begins to wonder. Why? Is there something in that correspondence that would be extremely damning to both the city and the attorney? Why else would they go through this much trouble, time and expense? […]

Letter to the Editor: What is city government hiding?

Dear Editor, I am reading the headline page from the Wednesday, August 12th edition, “Residents questioning village government.” As I read, I understand there is a matter of an FOIA issue ongoing. From reading the article, it begs the question of not why records are sometimes kept offsite, but why is the village fighting so […]

What ‘MATT’ers: Let’s try positivity

It seems everywhere you turn and look these days, someone is mad or angry about something. I get it. This COVID-19 pandemic has turned all of our lives upside down. We have ALL had to adjust to a new way of life, new regulations, and new ways of protecting ourselves from this virus that is […]

Letter to the Editor: Rotary club still hard at work

Dear Editor, For obvious reasons, we at the Clarkston Rotary Club won’t be able to hold our fall wine party this year, but that doesn’t mean we’re not still working hard. We want to be sure we are supporting the restaurants that have been so generous to us by providing the fabulous food for our […]

Next Birders Club meeting

At the August 26 meeting of the Clarkston-Area Backyard Birders, Steve Stroud, owner of The Gateway, host site of the club meetings, will speak on preparing for the upcoming fall migration and the inevitable cooler weather as familiar migrants will soon be headed south. Also on the agenda will be members’ reports of sightings, a […]

Letter to the Editor: Addressing M-15 problems

Dear Editor, The anonymous letter “When does the M-15 madness end?” (Clarkston News, August 12, 2020) from the nameless “Clarkston Reader” was interesting, and raised some potentially thought-provoking provoking points, albeit weakened by the presentation and lack of context. It engendered tearful memories of all the Main Street Clarkston homeowners, enriched by their privileged locations, […]

Area daycares, preschools announce plans for new school year

As Clarkston Community Schools go online to start the 2020-21 school year, area daycares and preschools are also making adjustments. Lil’ Peoples’ Place has decided to run both a school-age distance/virtual learning program and a Young Fives/Kindergarten program for the fall. “We are hoping by offering these two programs that we can relieve some stress […]

Collegiate academic, athletic achievements

Shay Lynn Kostin, of Clarkston, has graduated from the University of Michigan. Shay graduated Cum Laude, and was a member of Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Honor’s Society, the only honor society for college and university students of political and social sciences in the United States. Shay was awarded a scholarship and will start Law […]