It’s time to SCAMP Walk & Roll

It’s time to SCAMP Walk & Roll

Ah, it’s great to be alive! Spring is in the air, the tulips and other spring flowers are up and the weather is warm. New life. Renewal . . . . . . Is what I wanted to write about this week. Is what I should be writing about this week. But, I can’t. This […]

Snowflake nation revisited, or why we are soft

Snowflake nation revisited, or why we are soft

This past holiday weekend I walked around the backyard, looking over projects for spring and summer. There, in the very back, I saw this green plastic square. The Doggy Dooley! And, I was taken back to 14 years ago, when I installed said Dooley. What is it? Read on. * * * April 9, 2014: […]

Let the light shine in and on!

Let the light shine in and on!

This week in Michigan is Sunshine Week. Sunshine Week, if you are in the know, is a week to shed light into the dark recesses of government, local, state and national. It is to promote transparency in government. The idea is pretty simple: The more the public knows, the more they can and will take […]

Local Doc on WJR & more Neanderthal philosophy

Local Doc on WJR & more Neanderthal philosophy

One of the nifty things about being a community newspaper dude (and Neanderthal Philosopher) is my seat, way up in the Ivory Tower, allows me opportunities to look down and observe. Other than dead people, I see things. I am witness to the highs and lows of communal life. I can keep tabs on your […]

I give you the Neanderthal Philosopher

I give you the Neanderthal Philosopher

Bouncing around inside that big empty space between my ears was an idea. Bing,               Bang,                                Bong! It ricocheted about, each time hitting a wall growing in intensity until the idea could no longer […]

Stuff to think of on Valentine’s Day: taxes, crickets and then end of the male species.

Stuff to think of on Valentine’s Day: taxes, crickets and then end of the male species.

Ah, February. Groundhogs, ice, snow and hearts of red, Valentine’s Day. To all, tell the ones you love that you love. And, if you really want to spice up your Valentine’s conversations, here are some topics to discuss. Taxation Without Representation Nothing can get your blood boiling like good lovin’ and talk about that which […]

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