Felony charge for combative biker

Felony charge for combative biker

Two state troopers restrain the suspect on Washington Street. Photos by Phil Custodio   A 32-year-old Springfield Township man faces a felony charge of resisting arrest, assault, and obstructing police after a low-speed chase through Clarkston, April 27. The bicyclist was charged after elbowing a Michigan State Police officer in the head during a traffic […]

Survey says bond support high, but trustee not convinced

Of the nearly 1,400 people responding to Clarkston school’s bond proposal survey, more than 90 percent support at least part of the plan. However, that doesn’t tell the whole story, said school board Trustee Craig Hamilton. “A lot of that is how you word the question,” Hamilton said. “‘Do you support your kids being safe?’ […]

Students honored

Students honored

Clarkston Area Optimist Club honored several students in grades 6-12 with Outstanding Student Citizen Awards: Sashabaw Middle School student Savannah Walker; Clarkston Junior High School student Abbey Tolmie; Hannah Diffenderfer, Renaissance High School student; Sarah Stafford, Everest Collegiate High School student; and Clarkston High School senior Mitchel Thompson. “These awards are very special, very close […]

News in Brief

Food drive Clarkston Post Office carriers will collect for the 2016 Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 14. Mail carriers nationwide are participating in the24th anniversary of the event, a partnership of the National Association of Letter Carriers and the U.S. Postal Service, local food pantries, and others.In 2015, 70 million pounds of […]

RUSH to world

RUSH to world

Clarkston High School’s robotics team Team RUSH 27 is heading to St. Louis Missouri this week for the World Championship after being medaled State Champions on April 16 in Grand Rapids. Out of 411 teams in the state, RUSH was one of 102 teams at the state tournament. They were seeded No. 2 going into […]

$4.1 million bridge OK’d

“If at first you don’t succeed try, try again.” That was the lesson Independence Township Trustee David Lohmeier learned, April 19, when his first motion for a pedestrian bridge project over I-75 at Waldon Road failed, 3-2. Lohmeier and Trustee Andrea Schroeder were the only “yes” votes. Trustees Jose Aliaga and Ron Richie were absent. […]

Site plan OK’d for Clarkston United Methodist Church

BY PHIL CUSTODIO Clarkston News Editor Clarkston City Council voted, April 25, to approve the site plan and special land use permit for expansion of Clarkston United Methodist Church on Waldon Road. A written agreement with Clarkston Community Schools is still pending on a storm sewer on school property off Waldon Road, next to the […]

Teacher recognized for excellence

Teacher recognized for excellence

BY PHIL CUSTODIO Clarkston News Editor Faye Valtadoros won the lottery, taking home a $500 cash prize and $500 classroom grant. She didn’t have to buy a ticket – the Japanese teacher for Clarkston Community Schools just needed a nomination for an Excellence in Teaching Award. “I got an email one day saying I was […]

News in Brief

New treasurer Caitlain Bentoski is the new treasurer of the City of Village of Clarkston. Clarkston City Council approved the hire unanimously, April 11. She replaces Sandra Barlass, whose last day with the city was April 21. Bentoski lives in the Clarkston area and has an accounting background. She was interviewed by Mayor Joe Luginski […]

Skateboarder struck on M-15

A 14-year-old Independence Township boy was hospitalized after being hit by a vehicle on M-15, 5:25 p.m., April 20. Investigation showed the boy skateboarded out onto Main Street west of Middle Lake Road without looking. The vehicle, driven by a 32-year-old Waterford Township woman, was unable to stop and struck the skateboarder. The speed limit […]