City Council

City of the Village of Clarkston

City Council

Regular Meeting Minutes

12 10 2018 Minutes

Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Haven, Detkowski, Kneisc, Marsh, Reynolds, Wylie, Avery. All Present. Consent Agenda: Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Avery to approve the Treasurers Report ending 11 30 2018 along with Minutes changes to 11 12 18 and 11 26 18. Motion Carried.

Second Read Resolution by Marsh Supported by Kneisc to approve the 30 year contract with Consumer Power. Ordinance # 115, a natural gas franchise with Consumer Power. Roll Call: Haven, Avery, Reynolds, Wylie, Detkowski, Kneisc, Marsh. Resolution is Adopted.

Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Detkowski, to approve the meeting schedule for Council Meetings in 2019, as well as Planning and HDC. Planning and HDC will also need to adopt their 2019 meeting schedule. Motion Carried.

Motion by Avery, Seconded by Detkowski, to approve the venue change to United Methodist Church at 6600 Waldon Rd for one (1) year starting January 14, 2019. This is subject to review by Council after one year. Motion Carried. Motion by Haven, Seconded by Marsh, to cancel 12 24 2018 Council meeting. All Yes, Motion Carried.

Motion by Wyle, Seconded by Reynolds, to approve amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, requiring site plan reviews by the Planning Commission. The flow chart is under way to help with organization. The Planning Commission will have a public hearing, then the Council will have a first and second read then publish to make the changes requested to the Zoning Ordinance. Motion Carried.

Motion by Haven, Seconded by Avery, to approve a future executable plan for the Historic District Commission to evaluate and possibly expand the Historic District in the City Master Plan Livability Action Plan (Page 28 Action “G”). Motion Carried.

Motion by Detkowski, Seconded by Avery, to decline the offer of North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy (NOHLC) to enter into an easement agreement between the City and NOHLC. This agreement was reviewed with the City Planning Commission, Carlisle, HRC and Tom Ryan. All concurred not to enter into an agreement. Motion Carried.

Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Reynolds, to request a Special Council Meeting on December 17, 2018 at 7 PM at 375 Depot Street. The facilities Committee has a presentation and would like to have a special meeting. Motion Carried.

Resolution by Marsh, Seconded by Wylie to approve the depositories for City Funds: Chase Bank, Clarkston State Bank, Oxford Bank, and Oakland County Treasurers Investment Fund According to the investment Policy and to Comply with Act 20 PA 1943. Roll Call: Wylie, Haven, Avery, Marsh, Detkowski, Kneisc, Reynolds. Resolution is Adopted.

Motion by Avery, Seconded by Marsh to approve nominations of Committees per Mayor Haven. The City needs definitions of committees along with job descriptions, missions, goals and objectives.  The committees will be as follows: Finance Chair Johnathan Smith, Greg Cote’, Scott Reynolds, Eric Haven, Al Avery; Charter Review Committee, Chair, Steve Arkwright; Ordinance Committee, Chair, David Marsh, Rick Detkowski; Records Committee, Chair, Jason Kneisc, Sharron Catallo, Carol Eberhardt; Contract Committee, Chair, Al Avery; Signage Committee, Chair, Cara Catallo. Each committee should communicate with Eric Haven and bring their mission statements, goals and objectives on 01 14 2019. Motion Carried.  Motion by Marsh, Supported by Detkowski to adjourn at 9:15 PM. Motion Carried.

For the complete minutes please contact Sandy Miller, City Clerk at 248-625-1559 or

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