Clarkston Community Schools approves junior high school bond projects

Board authorizes purchase of lighting upgrades for CHS performing arts center

By Megan Kelley

INDEPENDENCE TWP. — During its meeting on Jan. 13, the Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education approved the purchase of lighting upgrades for the performing arts center at Clarkston High School and construction change orders for bond projects at Clarkston Junior High School.
The request for lighting upgrades in the performing arts center at CHS came to the board from Theater Director Amy Seaman.
Seaman was only able to find one vendor in the state to accommodate the project as presented, Fantasee Integration.
The board unanimously approved the purchase of lighting upgrades for the CHS performing arts center in the amount of $59,580 to be paid out of the general fund.
The board also unanimously approved construction change orders from JJ Barney in the amount of $130,550 and additional backfill in the amount of $73,918.
According to district documents, the change orders include upsizing the foundations along the existing auditorium to incorporate the new helical piers which also includes additional labor and material to upsize and underpin at the new column pads along the existing office wall due to existing soil conditions.
Additionally, JJ Barney also stated additional undercutting and backfill is required in one area along the existing office due to poor soils noted by the third party testing agency.
Funding for the change orders will come from the district 2022 bond.

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