Clarkston High School teachers take on new role

By day they’re Clarkston High School teachers.
But after that last school bell rings they step into the role of thespian and take the stage. Well, at least for the past six weeks they have, since rehearsal began.
For nearly 20 years, CHS faculty have presented an annual play for all to enjoy, with proceeds from performances going towards student scholarships, the purchase of items for use by faculty that district funds do not cover, and miscellaneous goods for the theatre department.
Reasons vary for why the teachers would take on such a task amidst their already hectic schedules.
For first-year teacher Aaron Dobson, who dons a dress and makeup to play Ann Boleyn in the faculty production of “That’s The Spirit,” said he is participating because, “I’m always looking for ways to incorporate my two loves: education and dressing like a woman. I’m getting paid for it too. That’s sweet.”
Seriously, teacher Deb Therriault admits the commitment is challenging, however said, “I think it’s important for the kids to see you in a different light.”
Noah Sharrow, who has been teaching at CHS for three years, said the play allows him to see and get to know other staff members he normally wouldn’t see in such a large school building.
Whatever their reasoning, Therriault said, “We also have fun.”
This year the faculty are presenting , “That’s The Spirit,” which takes place in a supposedly haunted mansion where a series of murders take place. Psychics, along with a couple of inept police detectives, are called in to try and sort things out.
Performances will be held Friday, Dec. 12 and Saturday, Dec. 13 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students and senior citizens. Call (248) 623-3725 for more information.